Sunday 18 December 2011

The List

  1. Lucky Jim Amis 18/7/10
  2. A Handmaid’s Tale Attwood 19/8/10
  3. Pride and Prejudice Austen* 28/12/10
  4. Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury 5/4/11
  5. Jane Eyre Bronte* 17/4/11
  6. When I Was Five I Killed Myself Buden 7/5/11
  7. Murder on the Orient Express Christie 12/7/10
  8. Alchemist Coelho 24/11/10
  9. Disgrace Coetzee 27/7/10
  10. The Hound of The Baskervilles Conan-Doyle* 19/7/10
  11. Heart of Darkness Conrad* 25/10/10
  12. A Tale of Two Cities Dickens* 4/4/11
  13. Rebecca Du Maurier 22/5/11
  14. Count of Monte Cristo Dumas* **/10/11
  15. The Little Girl and the Cigarette Duteurtre 24/4/11
  16. Birdsong Faulks 2/1/11
  17. Mr Midshipman Hornblower Forester 29/7/10
  18. Sophie’s World Gaarder **/9/11
  19. Tess of the d’Urbervilles Hardy* 15/2/11
  20. Confessions of a Justified Sinner Hogg 18/10/10
  21. A Thousand Splendid Suns Hosseini 20/6/10
  22. A Brave New World Huxley 13/3/11
  23. A Prayer for Owen Meaney Irving 17/12/11
  24. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Joyce 23/12/10
  25. All my friends are superheroes Kaufman 25/6/10
  26. On the Road Kerouac 23/1/11
  27. The Poisonwood Bible Kingsolver 12/3/11
  28. The Unbearable Lightness of Being Kundera 6/2/11
  29. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Larrson **/9/10
  30. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Le Carre 4/9/10
  31. Love in the time of Cholera Marquez 6/6/11
  32. Saturday McEwan 5/7/10
  33. One Day Nicholls 16/8/10
  34. Time Travellers Wife Niffenegger 13/6/10
  35. Animal Farm Orwell 4/12/10
  36. Gods Behaving Badly Phillips 25/7/10
  37. Midnight’s Children Rushdie
  38. Catcher in the Rye Salinger 21/7/10
  39. The Great Gatsby Scott-Fitzgerald 25/7/10
  40. The Lovely Bones Sebold 14/11/10
  41. An Equal Music Seth 21/4/11
  42. Frankenstein Shelley* 7/11/10
  43. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Solzhenitsyn 6/8/10
  44. Of Mice and Men Steinbeck 26/12/10
  45. Treasure Island Stevenson* 15/8/10
  46. A Secret History Tartt 18/3/11
  47. War and Peace Tolstoy*
  48. Music and Silence Tremain 2/5/11
  49. Age of Innocence Wharton 10/4/11
  50. Thank you Jeeves Wodehouse 27/4/11


  1. What is the relevance of the *s?

  2. the relevance is books that I am classing as classics! They should all have been written in the 19th century or earlier... at least I am hoping they are.

    Laura had set me the challenge to read more classics so these are the chosen ones.
